Let's celebrate Julius Caesar's birthday in Civilization VI!

13/07/2023 - 10:48

On a day like yesterday, July 12, 100 B.C. C., Julius Caesar was born in Suburra, Italy, and to celebrate, in Civilization VI you can add the birthday boy to your list of playable leaders.

Unsurprisingly, Caesar's military prowess makes him ideal for aggressive play in pursuit of Domination Victories, which are achieved by conquering the original capital city of all other civilizations. Waging war on a global scale is expensive, so making the most of Caesar's unique "Veni, Vidi, Vici" leader ability is key. With it, you receive 200 gold every time you conquer a city for the first time or 100 gold when you clear out a barbarian outpost. Once you research Steel, these gold amounts increase to 500! Discover all this and much more by taking a look here.

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