Made in Italy | New Expansion Pack

16/02/2024 - 13:16

A small town on the Italian coast, where the days pass slowly strolling through narrow streets and enjoying a sunny lunch on the terrace... is about to be shaken by the excitement and adrenaline of the craziest races in history!

Meet in the square to start the show and discover the hidden corners of this wonderful Italian town, with its restaurants, shops and the church bell tower.

Experience the thrill of racing behind the wheel of Italian-made cars like the Alfa Romeo 155 V6 TI and the Lancia 037, or choose to enjoy the Dolce Vita aboard the legendary Fiat 500D Modified or the iconic Vespa 90 SS Super Sprint (1966).

Between tiles, bricks and stones, get ready to show everyone what you're made of with the Made in Italy expansion pack.

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