Women's History Month 2024

04/03/2024 - 11:59

During Women's History Month, all women are recognized who, through their talent and passion, have made an impact and brought positive change to the video game industry and much more.

By logging in this month, you'll have unlocked the Women's History Month armor coating, visor, and emblem suite! Discover more information here.

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Οοπς...Δεν έχετε παίξει αυτο το παιχνίδι για περισσότερο από 2 ώρες
TΓια να δημοσιεύσετε την αξιολόγησή σας θα πρέπει να παίξετε για περισσότερο... Τουλάχιστον για 2 ώρες.
